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Master Jose Lopez Sanchez

His Shipibo name is Sany Meny "the messenger". Working with plants for 28 years.

Maestra Ynes’ son, José was born in the native community of Roaboya and spent much of his upbringing learning from his grandfather, the highly-respected Onanya healer, José Lopez. Jose was named after his grandfather so that when he passed away he would inherit all his knowledge and wisdom of shamanism and traditional medicine.

At age 7, Jose began to train his body, mind, and spirit to prepare for his first diet. At 10yrs old he began his one year diet with one of the most powerful Master trees, shihuahuaco, and successively dieted two other equally powerful trees, niwe rao and noya rao between 11-12 years old.

When José turned 13, his beloved grandfather passed away and went on to continue his apprenticeship with Maestra Ynes. At 16 he began to heal the local community in his village and continued to do so in the city of Pucallpa and across Peru. He now dedicates his time working alongside Maestra Ynes.

Through his powerful astral visions, Jose is able to unlock and release negative energies held in the body and spirit, to harmonize and align the individual. In spite of his incredible power and knowledge, he stays humble with the perspective that “we always have new things to learn until we die”.


Master Francisco Tutucima Davila 

His Shipibo name is Sui Bari.

Master Sui BARI comes from the native community (Santa Ana) 
He is 52 years old.

Its beginnings in this path of traditional medicine began 34 years ago, its songs and icaros provide a powerful energy of liberation and sanction through the ceremony.
Their harmonious and refined songs  the
Which create beautiful energies to a wonderful world during the healing process 
He has dedicated his entire life to the ancient healing tradition of his Shipibo Konibo people.

His diet began with the plant called (marusa) since then his eagerness and enthusiasm to share and heal, has been manifested through his diets, knowledge, and wisdom.
This process has led him to become a solid teacher of traditional medicine.
His presence is very captivating contemplating himself as a teacher known and respected by his community.


Teacher Katea Sanchez Paredes

Her Shipibo name is Korrin Kaisi.

Teacher KORRIN KAISI, lives in the NATIVE COMMUNITY "SANTA ISABEL DE BAHAUNISHO", is 46 years old. Began studies in traditional medicine began 28 years ago. Her singing and ikaros provide powerful opening guidance during ceremonies, they are refined and create beautiful supporting energies during the process, she has dedicated his entire life to the ancient healing tradition of Shipibo people.


Her eagerness and enthusiasm to share and heal, along with her caring nature, make her a teacher with solid principles of traditional medicine. She has a diet with the plant called NIHUE RAO, which means MEDICINE THROUGH THE AIR. Her presence is very captivating, she is a well-known and respected teacher in her community.


Teacher Anita Fernandez Tananta

His Shipibo name is Chono Benka.

She comes from the SANTA ROSA NATIVE COMMUNITY OF DENMARK, from the Shipibo Konibo people, and is 62 years old. Her work with medicinal plants began at the age of 13, although her formal training as a Teacher began later in life. Teacher Anita specialized in songs and ikaros of love, deepening and deliberating any spiritual blockage of the body and mind.


Her diet began with the plant called NOMA- NOMA and which means plant of love. She is a matriarch in the world of ancient medicine, she is gentle and kind, and her protective spirit is an integral part of her approach to healing. She is a highly respected teacher in the village as well as in the traditional medicine community.

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Anne-Laure Vincke

Artist and medicine woman

Anne-Laure Vincke, 43 years old, was born in Canada and raised in Belgium in a doctor's family. Artist and Medicine Woman, she has been walking and learning on the plant medicine path in Europa, Ecuador, Mexico, Columbia and Peru for 17 years.

She began her journey of healing and spiritual reconnection at 19 with meditation in Nepal and India. At age 24 she started to train as bodywork and breathwork therapist.  At 26 she began to walk with the red path tradition  from where she received the blessings to run sweatlodges and aguakolla medicine ceremonies. She began her initiation with Ayahuaska 12 years ago. Her call to master the art of healing led her to the Shipibo tradition. She startes deiting Master Plants with Maestro Jose Lopez’s family in 2016 and began her apprenticeship with him in 2018.

Now fully dedicated to work with Ayahuasca, Master aplants and Sweatloges, she works at Shipibo Rao, maestro Jose’s healing center in Peru as facilitator and closely collaborates with the center’s work and mission.  Based in Belgium, she accompanies and assists maestro José in healing retreats outside of Peru. She runs intimate ceremonies and performs in Europe.


Javier Marco Beard


Javier Marco Barba, has a doctorate in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology from the Univ. of Valencia. Guardian of the sacred fire, Dancer of the Sun, and bears the medicine of the temazcal and Ayahuasca for more than 10 years.  

Javier's personal mission is to “inspire humanity to reconnect with Unity consciousness”, weaving between ancient wisdom and modern science. He has been trained by the Shipibo-Conibo community (Peru) and has worked with traditional medicine and different native communities between Mexico, Colombia and Peru.  

She began her studies with sacred plants with a traditional Yaqui doctor in Mexico and has been working and studying for 6 years with Master Ynés Sánchez and José López from the Shipibo-Conibo community in Pucallpa, Peru (; www.shipiborao. com). Javier practices holistic healing modalities such as Alphabiotics (spine alignments), Craniosacral, Reflexology, Ayurvedic Massage, QPS, and neuromuscular release. He is also the director of the Tribute Earth Foundation ( in defense of the ancestral cultural heritage of native communities and their natural areas.


Work during the retreat in Kunji

  • Facilitation of the teachers' work throughout the retreat.

  • Word circles with Mambe and Ambil.

  • Ayurvedic massage, QPS (psycho-emotional chiromassage), Alphabiotics and craniosacral.

  • Tandava Dance*


*The Tandava is the dance of Shiva and Shakti, a moving meditation, whose objective is for the body to become one with the totality, for the opening of the heart and consciousness. The movements are very slow, synchronized with breathing, which allows us to become aware of our interior, letting the body express itself without control from the mind, in this way it is released and flows.


Fabiola Name Almanza

Hypnotherapist, Humanistic/Transpersonal Psychology, FMCA

In my years of choosing a career I knew that I wanted to study something related to healing, but the medical career did not convince me 100%, so I decided on psychology.
Later I studied the specialty in  Person-Centered Approach, in Gestalt psychotherapy, energy psychotherapy and transpersonal psychology. 

In 2019 I became certified as a Rapid Transformational Therapy clinical hypnotherapist with Marisa Peer and I am currently part of her team of trainers. 
Today it is clear to me that somehow my Higher Self was guiding me towards the vocation of service to healing for which I felt the desire, but at an even deeper level than traditional Medicine. 

I am currently studying the fifth course at the College of Consultants and Communicators of Semiology of Daily Life, convinced that if a person manages to raise their consciousness, they are contributing to raising the consciousness of all humanity.

Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ encompasses many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients. RTT®️ goes further, diagnosing what works with clients to build a new therapeutic approach. Unlike traditional hypnotherapy, RTT®️ is not based solely on positive reinforcement. Too often, this is the only approach for hypnotherapists.


While using correct, up-to-date, and relevant language when speaking to oneself is certainly a part of any transformation, it serves more as a reinforcement of progress, rather than a catalyst for it. RTT®️ therapists are able to make breakthroughs through hypnosis that would not be possible if they were simply trying to reach your subconscious mind through altered language and self-talk. Your RTT®️ therapist is equipped with a variety of techniques and tools that are crucial in not only teaching you how to communicate with your subconscious mind, but also directly accessing and clearing any blockages that may be there.

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Vanessa Alvarez

Certified yoga and
breathwork instructor

Vanesa is an internationally renowned certified Yoga and Breathwork instructor with over 8 years of experience. She is from Switzerland, lived in Los Angeles for 8 years and now resides in Mexico.  

Her studies include Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga and Holotropic Breathwork.  

She has also created a significant international online community where she shares his comprehensive holistic approach to life with the intention of cultivating mindful minds. Thanks to that community she was able to travel to countries such as Lebanon, South Africa and various countries in Europe to share her passion and knowledge. 

She believes that yoga is a bridge to personal growth and that through intention, conscious connection and self-compassion we can continue to develop our truest selves.

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Uttama (Mexico) and Aiyana (Lithuania)

Îanäwa is a medicine music project that weaves sounds of the earth, shamanic chants and various instruments into a colorful expression of the spirit.

Its lyrics and music are allusive to life and healing, with the intention of sowing the altar and raising the prayer.

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