whatsapp: +52 55 4522 1650

Our essential nature is joy.
Existence and all life is the manifest loving joy
of the union of the earth and the sun.
What is preventing you from connecting and feeling in unity with life?

KHUNGI Space, a place where modern science and traditional ancestral medicine practices come together. A space of great beauty, to live and explore our being in depth.
Guided and contained by experienced teachers of different ancestral traditions in combination with therapists and researchers of the human psyche.
At Khungi we will explore and use the most effective therapeutic techniques and mind-body meditation and movement routines combined with the traditional ceremonial use of master plants as a vehicle for exploration and knowledge of our consciousness and our relationship with life.

Facing and integrating our shadow can be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences in our lives. It is everything about us that we have avoided, repudiated and kept hidden.
We all seek to avoid pain at some point in our lives, particularly in our childhood, and what we have not been able to process remains in the darkness of our unconscious.
This work consists of bringing our attention to this pain instead of trying to avoid it, reclaiming the forgotten parts within us and integrating them by resignifying them, thus freeing vital energy stuck in these patterns and making it available for life-affirming purposes.
Our job at Khungi is to create a space where these experiences can be safely contained and hand in hand with the processes of rebirth of being accompanied and guided by wise teachers.

Shipibo tradition
Onayas - Masters of energy
We are honored to receive our sisters and brothers to help us and join us in the inaugural retreat of Khunji, space sky-earth. They make a great journey to be with us from the heart of the Peruvian Amazon jungle.
The Shipibo are highly experienced traditional healers, kind and dedicated to healing and the traditions of their people, offering us tools and learning that will help us reconnect with the source of life. They know ayahuasca as "Oni" which in their language means wisdom or knowledge.
We have the opportunity to work and participate with them in their traditional ceremonies with master plants, their icaros and through their wisdom work with our shadow for 14 days to remember our true nature.
Our healers carry an incredible ancestral wealth knowledge that has been handed down for generations
The feminine presence provides smooth energy enriching to the ceremonies and to the overall impact of our work by promoting sensitivity, compassion and warmth.

Healing trauma
The end result of trauma resolution and the end result of the healing process is the recognition that we are whole and intact beings.
We connect with the essence, our true being.
We recognize in ourselves this part that is always free, clean and complete.